Monday, August 30, 2010


Sorry it has been awhile. Unpacking is allot of work... But we are having some good times here. Let's see Seminary is at 5:15 in the morning... well as of now there are all these complications. My high school is Battle Field High School. We have 2,900 going there. There are only like twenty Mormons going there its weird. There is only one other Laural in the ward:). We have less the twenty young women. Not allot of cute boys... well there are also none my age. I got a bike just like adria's yellow one but red. It rocks dad and i biked all the way down to our closest grocery store and all the way back. (Its just about a mile away) But on the way back there is this killer hill. My legs were killing me Sunday. We also went on a walk that day and there is this little pond less then a quater mile from the house. There was baby and mama deer. And bunnies and a big fat toad hopping accross the road on the way home. It was quite fun oh and there are fish and turtles in the pond. We went to the National Zoo on Saturday... it was super hot. The animals weren't doing much either so it was kindof boring the most exciting was the turtles. They had this whole pond with all these water turtles they were cute. Oh and Wegmens... if any one knows the fantasticness of Wegmans you have to testify. It is like Harmons on steroids. It's fantastic you can never know the amazingness of it untill you have been there and then you will go and be shocked of it's amazingness. I have some pictures i will post even though i was not supposed to take them. You have to know of it's fantasticness. Well School starts in about a week. Panera... it is like kneeders but i think i like it better. They have a fantastic bakery. And some fantastic sandwitches. Target is closer then the closest Walmart we had out there. I love Target. And well thats about it for now. I will be posting music and photos soon so watch for them!!!

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